Friday, July 9, 2010

Celebrating Marcella

The last two days have really been touching.  All of Marcella's old friends have welcomed her with wide open hearts and good times.  It is obvious she is a good friend to many and they respect, admire and love her.  None want to let her go when the time comes to depart.  If one can say that the measure of a life is the trail of friends one leaves, she has lead a rich life and will continue to do so.  From her lunch with Karen (using the term loosly -- lunch was a bunch of nachos and a bunch of margaritas :p) to dinner with Richard (a stained glass master) who prepared a delicious meal and served it elegantly -- to sharing a watermelon with our host when we returned to the digs -- to lunch with Don C and Mrs. Don and a three hour session of memories and laughs and finally -- to a lobster dinner with Larry and Delores (Larry swears the lobsters followed him home).  All were a lot of fun and shared memories.

While Marcella has been having these loooooong lunches, PJ & Bob have been exploring the area more.  Of course, PJ can't pass a Bealls without going in to see if 'they have anything new'.  And there are a lot of Bealls in this area.  Bob is really getting good at using the navigation on his phone to find the next marina that needs to be checked out.

We're having a relaxing, fun time.  Wish you all could be here with us.  Thanks for your comments and nagging.  I haven't posted in two days, and I heard about it!! 

p.s.  PJ said to tell everyone that he is fine !!


1 comment:

  1. I'm glad PJ is consistently fine. It takes a load off of my mind. ;)

    I know Marcella loves to visit with her friends so I'm so glad you two were able to go to Florida with her so you all could enjoy such a great trip.
